In the evening sun of a warm autumn afternoon, the lady's blue eyes sparkle so strongly that she enchants the whole campus. Lady Vanessa appeared in a very tight-fitting blue catsuit that really showed her feminine curves. In addition, very high heels and a silver waist chain that hugged her wonderful waist. Of course, the lady caught the eye of passersby walking around the campus. In the corner of her bright blue eyes, she spotted an observer watching the whole shoot from afar. Now the lady became curious and approached the observer in her hot as well as dominant outfit and wanted to ask him if he was a fan of hers. The gentleman who was standing at the side got nervous as he saw the lady approaching him. She greeted him and also immediately asked him if he liked the shoot. He answered in the affirmative and also said that he is a long time member. He was so excited about this situation that he was allowed to watch his lady shooting. They talked for a very long time and the Member experienced what he always dreamed of. Of course it can also happen to you that you meet the lady at a shooting in Munich. Do not hesitate and talk to her. She is a lady and will also treat you the way you need. Courage is what you sometimes need to make dreams come true.